How can international students get full scholarships for MBBS in China?

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I was supposed to complete my internship in a Chinese hospital and graduate this summer but because of this terrible pandemic, my graduation has been put off. I can’t go back to China but can just click the forum every day and write answers about full scholarship for MBBS in China now for my juniors to kill time.


Is There Any Full Scholarship for MBBS in China?

If it's MBBS taught in English, I hardly ever see any students get MBBS full scholarships in China but only know few students who study MBBS in Chinese medium with CSC full scholarship. As far as I'm concerned, even the MBBS taught in Chinese, there are very few full scholarships available. Because generally speaking, even if the school has several precious full scholarship seats, they prefer to give these seats to other majors rather than MBBS. Then how can we find the rare MBBS full scholarship seats? I hope that the process I introduce next will help you although I can't guarantee that you will find it this way, at least you can try without any cost.


How to Apply for Full Scholarship for MBBS in China?

Method 1: first you can try applying to the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home countries or Chinese Embassy (Consulate-General) within the prescribed time. After confirming the eligibility, then log in to the online platform to sign up and fill in the application information according to the requirements of the Chinese Government Scholarship. The application time is generally from the beginning of January to the middle of April. If there is no MBBS scholarship with stipend available in this way, then try Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program and Local Government Scholarship as well although there are much fewer full scholarship seats compared with the first way.

Method 2: in this way, we can search on the CSC website which universities have bachelor “clinical medicine” course taught in English or Chinese. And then go to the different school application platforms to check whether full scholarships for MBBS students available or not. If can find a full scholarship or good partial scholarship in this way, then you are lucky enough.


But please be noted that the full scholarship seats for MBBS are few so the school will give it to top students only. If your academic performance is not that much good, then can consider partial scholarship and self-funded MBBS programs as well. We should know that even if we study medicine at our own expense, the admission requirements of a good school are very strict, let alone the entry requirements of a full scholarship for medical students.


Recommended Partial Scholarships for MBBS in China

Now I am going to share with you some good partial scholarships of English taught MBBS during the COVID-19 period as it’s too hard to study MBBS with a full scholarship in China.

  1. Chongqing Medical University: tuition CNY 30,000, scholarship CNY 10,000~25,000 available
  2. Qingdao University: tuition CNY 30,000, scholarship CNY 30,000 available for the first year
  3. Ningxia Medical University: tuition CNY 29,800, first-year 50% tuition off for sure, and CNY 20,000 scholarship available from the second year.
  4. Ningbo University: tuition CNY 38,000, scholarship CNY 10,000~20,000 available
  5. Shantou University: tuition CNY 40,000, scholarship CNY 6,000~1,6000 available

You can try to apply these partial MBBS scholarships after try to apply for MBBS 100% scholarship in China without result. Even if you don't get any new student scholarships finally, you will have the chance to get some partial scholarships if you become the top student in the class from the second year of MBBS studying.

When you choose MBBS university and apply for full scholarship for MBBS in China, the things below must be noted. One is that make sure the university is on your country’s recognized list, another thing is that make it clear whether your country medical council accepts MBBS taught in Chinese. Here I can share with you the 2021-2022 list of universities approved by the MOE China about offering MBBS English-taught program.


Why I only suggest MOE-listed universities is that they are good and stable. I know some of my countrymates, had to transfer because the school they attended disappeared from our country's list last year. In China, the transfer is a very difficult thing. If you want six years of study to go smoothly, then it is better to choose a reliable university from the beginning.

BTW, if you have a financial embarrassment, except to find a full scholarship for MBBS in China, you can also consider majors like pharmacy and nursing, which usually have better scholarships and lower entry requirements than MBBS.

Anyway, hope you can find the best MBBS scholarship in China and get it successfully!

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