Affected by the epidemic, can students who take online courses have tuition reduction, etc.?

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3 Answers

To keep classes running smoothly in the wake of the pandemic, schools have been collaborating and planning extensively.

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Tuition has not been cut by most schools. Schools have been actively planning and coordinating since the pandemic broke out to make sure teaching runs smoothly. Instructors have worked hard to create online courses, and students have been very cooperative, in addition to making sure that courses are available offline. 

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Most schools no reduction on fees. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, in order to ensure the smooth development of teaching work, the university has carried out active planning and coordination. While ensuring offline courses, teachers have also made great efforts to build online courses, and students have also actively cooperated. We hope that the students can continue to actively participate in online courses as always, complete their homework on time, and cooperate with the teacher’s teaching work.

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