From a young age I have been humbled by my opportunity to first-handedly experience the thriving stages of growth in a business through my parent’s auto-parts commerce trade. Having this constant exposure, helped me mold my perception of the business woman I one day hope to become. It it crucial that I learn how to take advantage of the opportunities presented to me, such as the past S.E.M.A Show in Las Vegas this past month. An auto-parts convention that networks suppliers from all over the world. Imagine my excitement when I was asked to be my parent’s representative for the show. This experience widened my perspective of what ambitions I have developed over the years and how this univeristy could help me achieve these newfound desires.
Successful business leader is the one who takes to full advantage of the opportunities presented to him or her, they take analytical and risk-driven decisions that bring them the highest amount of benefit possible for their company and team. Business leader has to have a good relationship with your customers, so that they continued being loyal to your company or product. One of my goals is first working for a highly prestigious company at United States to earn experienced a as simple worker to earn the abilities and the experienced necessary to be a good boss and help my parents expand the family business