Why Study Marxism Theory at China University of Petroleum - Beijing?

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I hold a Bachelors’ degree (B.Eng) and Masters degree (M.Eng) in Petroleum Engineering from the Federal university of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. I had a CGPA of 3.7/5.0 for my Bachelors’ degree, and 4.5/5.0 for my Masters’ degree. I completed my Master’s degree with a thesis in Evaluation of Completion Fluid Turbidity and Total Suspended Solids in Southern Nigeria. However, I would like to meet with world class Petroleum Engineering professional and work with them to improve my knowledge base in the area of research if I am given the opportunity especially in the Petroleum related research. Presently, I am a lecturer II in the department of petroleum Engineering, Federal University of Technology Owerri. Also I want to study in an internationally recognize University with equiped world class facilities that will compete with any other university in the world. Moreover, I have always I wanted to compete with other professionals that have technical knowhow in the world of petroleum. I have good planning and management skills, with the ability to coordinate all activities in projects from conception through commissioning. Having studied Petroleum Engineering in my first degree and second degree I would like to dwell mainly in drilling option or Natural Gas Engineering especially in my PhD if given the opportunity. This is because of the emerging economic boom in the gas sector. And Nigeria has abundant of gas resources which will provide economic enhancement and political development. The PhD is designed for graduates to demonstrate academic leadership, independence, creativity and innovation in their research work. In addition, professional doctoral studies provide advanced training designed to build expertise in a specialist area, while encouraging the acquisition of a wide range of advanced and transferable skills. Graduating with a PhD marks a student’s admission to the community of Engineering scholars.

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