Anyone know Guangxi University please? How’s everything there?

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1 Answer

Suzannenever - STUDENT
Expert in:CSC Scholarship Recipient,Industrial Economics

Guangxi University was founded in 1928. The first president was Dr. Ma Junwu, a celebrated educator, scientist and democratic revolutionist in China. The university has 2,006 full-time teachers, including over 400 professors, more than 700 associate professors, 125 Ph.D supervisors and 1,328 master supervisors. The number of the full-time undergraduate students amounts to 23,649, whereas the full-time postgraduate students reach 6,669. In addition, the number of international students from over 30 nations and vocational education students totals 800 and 20,000, respectively.

The university is located in 307 hectare with building space of 1.3309 million m2, Guangxi University boasts the facilities for teaching and research valued at 529 million Yuan and a 5.29 million books that consist of 3.234 million printed books and 2.058 million electronic books. The library also housed over 4000 paper periodicals in Chinese and foreign language and 17,000 full-text electronic periodicals.

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