At BLCU I believe that I will obtain a rounded education with the most qualified staff. BLCU is a highly recommended school that has exquisite programs for language/interpretation/translation which is what I intend to pursue. My main goal is to have a complete immersion into the language and the culture. I think that in order to truly understand and grasp a language you must first understand the culture and people you use it. The technical sides of a language can always be taught in a classroom but the real spoken form is taught by the environment. BLCU will immerse me in both while I am also able to further my education in other fields. This university provides all that I could ask for when it comes to my education and furthering my cultural exposure. I have visited Beijing before and I think it is a wonderful city. Yes, the pollution is quite bad but that doesn't stop me from chasing after my passion. Being an interpreter is no easy task and I believe that BLCU will be able to provide me with an education that can prepare me enough for this profession. I love that fact that I will be able to go on separate trips abroad because I love traveling. It is important to me that I experience the world and everyone in it so that I can help connect humans in every way. I want to be a BLCU student so that I may achieve great things for myself and others.