I’ve always wanted to learn, work and live in the China, which I owe at large to my grandfather as he has always encouraged me to one day visit China. And that’s why I was glad when I learnt about Bohai, it was a chance for me, an international student, to receive quality education in a country where I could pursue many dream. I’m certain that I’ll undoubtedly continue trying my hardest to display my highest potential both as a student and as a member of the Bohai community. As a person who has his own values and opinions, I’ve always tended to ask, ask why and how, and I think I’ll find my answer in a place where I can pursue the social and cultural aspects of life at one place. And I will ask and I will learn, thus being one of the many pieces to fulfill the Bohai Jigsaw.
As a student I’ll work hard to successfully maintain the high caliber that is to be expected of me throughout my stay. I’m always striving to improve on everything I do. That’s why I believe that my push for more will help me onto new heights, trying both to give and learn from my peers. As I started to grow up it became clear that with respect, determination and resilience anything and everything was possible. And this is the main reason: to find answers to the many questions I shall bring to the university.