I have chosen to study my PhD studies at Beihang University(BUAA) because of several reasons. First, BUAA is among few universities in China that offer PhD in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in English Language. For that case, I'm interested to study at BUAA because I'm going to get an opportunity of undertaking my studies in the language I'm conversant and confident in using it. So I hope not to struggle in my studies because of the language of instruction.
Next, unlike other few universities that offer PhD in Linguistics, BUAA offers scholarship on this program. Therefore, I'm opportunistic that I will get admission and scholarship from the same university. Moreover, being among few oldest universities in China, it has attracted my attention because of the testimonials from colleagues who at one time had been BUAA students.
Further, since its establishment in 1952 to the present, I believe has a great treasury of human resources and research/ project works from renown professors. In this respect, such treasury will help me to undertake my studies with easy .