Why Study Finance(SHU-UTS SILC Business School) at Shanghai University?

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Motivation Letter Dear Sir, Dear Madam, i was waiting for this moment for a long time. Since i decided to study in China i can’t wait till I am there and the university starts. I am really excited and looking forward. I hope I will get the chance to study Finance in China, that’s all I want, that’s my biggest dream right now. I want to come to Shanghai, see and learn everything about the country and of course learn Chinese. I already started to go in a mandarin course, and I am making good steps, so if I am there in summer I will already be able to speak a bit. When I was 16, I made an internship in a german bank (Naspa) for a year. In this year I learned a lot of things about Finance, Business and Economics. I liked the work in the bank so much that I decided to make an apprenticeship after High School. So after I graduated from High School I was 18 years old. And then I started with my apprenticeship, the bank i worked in is called Rheingauer Volksbank, this took me two and a half years. In this two and a half years I could extend my knowledge about Banks, Business and Financial System. I opened bank accounts and credit cards for customers, I was an adviser for credits and savings. After my apprenticeship I changed to a bigger bank, to Deutsche Bank, the biggest german bank. The time there changed me a lot, I started to make plans for the future. I was thinking about to go abroad, to London or New York and study Finance. And that was actually my plan, till I talked to one of my co-workers. He is from China and he was working in the department for Corporate Finance. He was the one who gave me the Idea of going to shanghai and make my Bachelor degree there. He showed me that this is more advantageous, cause I already can speak english pretty well, and all the students go to London or New York, I wouldn’t be special, but if I go to China and study there for 4 years, that would open me all doors in the future. He told me that is getting more and more important to have a special CV, to have a lot international experience. And of course he told me that it would be a hard time too, 4 years of studying in china. I have to study and learn a lot, learn the language and make as much internships I can. Learn the country, learn the people and the culture, cause these days chinese companies are all over the world, China is a Global Player now, China is going to change the future. And I believe it too, since he told me that I couldn’t stop thinking about the idea to go to china for my Finance studies. I made so many researches about china, I read and I am still reading books about the traditions, culture and history of china, i am watching the news daily and informing myself online about the actual situation, about politics and economy, and everything what is going on right now in china. Like you see, I want this really badly, I want to study Finance in Shanghai, I can’t stop thinking about it. It would be a honor for me if I get accepted, if I would get this great chance. Hopefully see you in Shanghai, till then I wish you the best. best regards S. Tasdemir

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Shanghai University is one of the best academic institutions for business schools in terms of academic excellence, the power of the degree, and opportunities for financial aid if needed. There are also online platforms providing online assignment help services to help make the academic year easier for students.

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Shanghai University is a very famous university specializing in training the most famous Finance major in Shanghai. With a team of experienced instructors, we bring high quality training and understanding. This is a very worthy school for you to study Finance.

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