Why Study Long- Term Chinese Language & Culture Program at Hangzhou Normal University?

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Hangzhou Normal University is an excellent teaching institution that prides itself with over 100 years of academic history, creating and shaping the minds of future teachers and educators in a wide range of disciplines. My main reasons choosing this university is that their is a clear emphasis on international study and globalisation. Their goal is to advance and develop on a global scale, increasing links with industries and institutions all over their world. This really appeals to me as I believe it is so important to communicate and collaborate with different international partners all over the world. Other reasons include the several different levels of study one can undertake, and the comprehensive courses and options available such as chinese calligraphy and business chinese. If accepted, I would really love to take these courses and develop my understanding and skills. Last but not least, Hangzhou is known as the paradise of the earth in China, it is a stunning location and city for study and I am excited to explore all 5 campuses. Not only is Hangzhou a cultural landscape, but a rapidly developing city with enormous economic and social growth. I believe there is a lot of opportunity waiting in this wonderful city and university.

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