As a respected University in China, Zhejiang Gongshang University was immediately an institution in which I hoped to be accepted to study Mandarin. Having explored the website of the university, and read reviews of the language school and it's teaching staff and facilities, I am certain that it would provide the perfect study environment. Regarding the course, I am attracted by the 20hr per week schedule, as I believe this will provide an excellent balance between studying in class and private study time. Equally, the teaching staff, course materials and university facilities have an excellent reputation. Considering the University more broadly, I am particularly drawn to Zhejiang Gongshan University as a result of its location in Hangzhou. Having lived in China previously, I was keen to choose a University in an area that I have not previously visited. In addition Hangzhou is globally renown for being beautiful, welcoming and to have a desirable balance between rural and urban settings. Finally, should I be accepted onto this language course, I am certain that I would embrace every opportunity to learn and build on my Mandarin skills, as well as make a positive contribution to the course through my dedication, hard work and commitment. As such I hope to be accepted at Zhejiang Gongshan University and look forward to hearing from you regarding my application.