Fudan University provides a high-quality environment to combine further language study with applied business study and experience in the largest city in China. Shanghai is a key economic centre in China and as such is a great place to connect with a range of experienced, knowledgeable business people. In the short-term, this will provide me with experience and skills necessary for working in China. From a long-term perspective, this programme will establish a foundation for a career working to create business opportunities between New Zealand and China.
I have three primary goals for this course. Firstly, achieving fluency in Mandarin Chinese, secondly achieving a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and, thirdly, to develop my network of contacts in China. This course will deepen my understanding of international business and trade through studying and working in China. I am determined to work hard and make use of the great resources at Fudan University to make the most out of this opportunity. My dream is to work in international business with China so this is a perfect way to make a step towards such a career.