Why Study Architecture at Ningbo University?

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14/9/2017 Personal Statement Based on my belief in the importance of education and I am a key element in the development of the individual and the society, I decided to join the university and the specialization in which I feel I will be successful in achieving success in my practical and scientific life. I chose China as a great country and because it is a successful country in many fields. In study in this great country. Architecture is one of the most important disciplines in our world because it has become a measure of the civilization of the people and show its beauty and history through the beautiful architectural formations of the buildings in it as well as the architecture is very important in maintaining a beautiful environment with beautiful coordination and ranking makes those countries that take care of this specialization civilized countries China has distinguished this specialization and it is clear through the designs of its buildings and cities and arrangements that concern the environment and has already contributed to show the history and civilization of this country, which we aspire to be in his civilization and development and this will solve many of the problems of our society, I tend to specialize in engineering, such as mathematics and physics. I feel that I will be creative in this beautiful discipline, which is a complement to many disciplines and showing them beautifully . I wish the University of Ningbo to grant me admission , it will be high appreciated Regards Ahmed Omer Ali Saleh yahiakari@yahoo.com

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