Why Study Electronic and Computer Engineering at Wuhan University?

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I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. I changed from a doctor to an engineer to a policeman and then to an artist depending on who gave me what on my birthdays. I just admired individuals, not their careers. As a child life was a piece of cake for me and I was too young to measure the weight of a mother’s sorrow whose kid died of malnutrition, a father’s anger whose wife and kids were hit by a drunk driver, a young man’s fear when convicted for a crime he never committed. I would not know who to help and how. However, all I knew was that I wanted to be rich. It all changed in my fourth year of high school when in my English class, we watched a TED Talk, “The dangers of a single story”, by Chimamanda Adichie and she talked about Fide, his houseboy whose single story she was told was that of poverty but not told the story of basket weaving and handcraft. Fide’s story made me realize that most of the poor are not poor because they don’t work rather because what they do is not as appreciated and developed that it could sustain them. Whenever I watched news at night with my parents, I would always ask them why other countries are highly developed with many super automatic devices and their communication was special, fast and on an advanced level whereas my country Rwanda is still on a low level. Rwanda is a developing country in a way that almost all areas including its technology, however much Rwanda is improving, it still lacks people who advanced skills and knowledge to enhance its development especially in its technology. Since then I decided I knew I wanted to do something about that, thus choosing electronics and communication engineering as my major. I have always wanted to study in china as it is my favorite country ever since I was a little girl, so I had to make a deep research about the best universities in china. Among the top five best universities, Wuhan University caught my attention; its campus, dormitories, the moral values of its students and the lifestyle of the whole community drove me to a more detailed research about the university. Wuhan University has the most developed education, and it is best at offering the best electronics and communication engineering. More to that, Wuhan University methods of teaching, theory and practice, are suitable for what I have dreamt of in an ideal university and its environment is favorable for learning. Wuhan University will help me delve deeper into the properties of technology in electronics to help people especially those in developing countries. Research projects that the engineering department offers such as those that ensure devices and communication safety will equip me advanced knowledge on how to bring solutions and high development to my country.I surely believe that Wuhan University is a perfect fit and I can assure that I will dedicate my passion for its whole environment and make a great impact its community. Apart from my major, Wuhan University allows students to explore other courses even those outside the electronics and communication engineering part; therefore, I will take other development oriented classes, like sociology and psychology to get a deeper understanding of people and how societies operate. This will help me get a better picture of how technology in electronics and communication can positively impact their lives and give a variety of solutions to their problems; it will also help me know where to start when working with them as I work towards my career goals. I strongly believe that The Wuhan University draws a true definition of the best education.

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