How to We Deal With Jet Lag When Studying in China

Jet lag always happen when a person goes from one country to another, the more time zones you cross, the worse jet lag may be. And especially, jet lag will be worse when a person f...
Jet lag always happen when a person goes from one country to another, the more time zones you cross, the worse jet lag may be. And especially, jet lag will be worse when a person flies east than west.

For an international student who cross some time zones for study, how to reduce the Jet lag symptoms is important. China located in UTC+8 while America is in UTC-5, there are total 13 hours in jet lag, which means in the daylight saving time in America, Beijing Time is in night 24 o'clock, US Pacific time is in morning 9 o'clock, the people in US start to work while China people have fallen asleep.Then if other countries students go to China for study, how to adapt to this change?

First, you should figure out how long will you take in flight and the time when arrive in your destination, then you need to do some preparation for jet lag.
You can slowly adjust your biological clock according to your destination time. Forced yourself to work, study and sleep according to your destination time in advance. If you are flying east, go to bed 1 hour earlier each night for a few days before your trip. If you're flying west, go to bed 1 hour later each night instead. But if your trip will last 2 days or less, stay on your home time.

You can intake small amounts of medicine under the necessary conditions, Melatonin and sleeping pills. If you have other disease, you should talk to your doctor before you use melatonin, although the safety and effectiveness of melatonin have not been thoroughly tested, taking large doses of it may cause sleep disruption and daytime fatigue. At the same time, sleep masks, earplugs, and headphones may help you when you need to sleep. Some coffee may keep you awake.

Set your watch to your new time zone as you start flying. If it's nighttime at your destination, try to sleep on the plane. Sleep masks, earplugs, and headphones may help. If it's daytime at your destination, try to stay awake.

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