Guangzhou Medical University in Chinese MOE list or not?

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Yes it belongs to MOE listed universities.

Guangzhou Medical University (GMU) was one of the 45 medical schools which were qualified by MOE to recruit international MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) students in English medium in 2010. Now the university has enrolled over 280 international students from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Tanzania, Bangladesh,Chana and America, etc. The university has passed the assessment on MBBS program hosted by MOE of China and has been authorized to admit international students under Chinese government scholarship in 2013.

This program aims at training international medical elites with solid foundation of medical knowledge, superb clinical skills and good professional qualities according to the Provisional Regulations stipulated by the Ministry of Education on quality control standards for the undergraduate medical education (in English medium) of international students in China and the international standards for medical education. The program also pays attention to some special requirements of certain countries where the majority of the students are from.

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