Eudora Marcia
Eudora Marcia

Gender: Joined at Sep 1, 2021

Probably too tired

100 Credits
Has Been Visited for 1912 Times

2 Answers

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Can I still apply for university scholarships after the appl...

No. Most Chinese schools do not review scholarship applications after the deadline except they extend the deadline and the seats are not full.

Answered Sep 7, 2021

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What kinds of facilities and equipment are provided in the i...

There are Nanyang Bei Yuan and No.8/9 Building for international students to live on Minhang Campus, Taoli Yuan (Asian Youth Center) and Lianxing Building on Xuhui Campus. The equipment and facilities in each dormitory vary from each other. However, all rooms do provide basic furniture, air-conditi...

Answered Sep 7, 2021