How to Save Visa Application Fees After Accepted by Chinese University

China is becoming a more and more popular place for international students, every year, over 300,000 international students choose China as their destination for study in abroad. I...

China is becoming a more and more popular place for international students, every year, over 300,000 international students choose China as their destination for study in abroad. If you are one of them and have been accepted by a China’s university, your next step is to apply for a visa to China. This article shows you how to save visa application fees. 

Tip 1: Apply it by yourself

Compared to visas in other countries, a Chinese visa is easier to apply for. You just need to spend some time on learning how to apply for a visa to China, and don’t need to find a third party agent to do it for you, this you may save some visa application fees.

Tip 2: If you don’t have time, apply it online

You have 2 ways to apply for a visa to China, apply via embassy and apply it online. And if you don’t have time, applying Chinese visa online is faster and cheaper than the other. If you choose to apply Chinese visa via embassy, you have to submit required documents, wait for about 5 days for the result. Which means you have to visit the China Embassy in your country at least two times, what’s more, it may costs you about $130 to apply for a student (X Visa) via embassy, you also have to think about other costs such as travelling, parking, etc.

If you apply Chinese visa online, you may need to pay about $190 but you won’t need to worry about extra costs because all the process is online, overall speaking, applying Chinese visa online is cheaper than via embassy.

Tip 3: Define your exact arrival date

When you are filling in the application form for a visa to China, you should define your exact arrival date because a Chinese visa starts and ends on fixed days as you specified in the application form.

If you failed to define your exact arrival date, you will need to extent or renew your visa, and you have to pay a lot for about this.

Tip 4: Choose the right type of visa for you

China has several types of visa categories to choose from, the costs varies from different types of visas. To study in China, you should apply for the student (X) visa. If you mistakenly choose a wrong type, you will need to pay more for visa is not appropriate for you.

  • Submitted at Sep 8, 2021

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