By this article, it will help the individuals irrespective of their background to know the importance, benefit, qualities and advantages of studying in China.


This Comprehensive Guide is the world's first real-time updated reference manual on international students studying in China, which is compiled by top consultants and many more of international students engaged in the field of studying in China for years.

This guide comprehensively shows every stage and current situation of studying in China from the aspects of China's national conditions, China's higher education, history of studying in China, how to choose Chinese universities, the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on studying in China, Chinese university application process, registration tips, campus life, graduation and work in China.

Although, This comprehensive guide its only covered Two (2) aspect of which are as follows:

Ø  Statistical Report On International Students In China In Last 10 Years

Ø  Why Study in China Reasons And Costs



            Looking at the Data obtained from the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, as shown below.


Table 1: Number of International Students Studying in China

Through this table, we can find that the number of foreign students in China has increased rapidly every year since the beginning of the 21st Century. This can also be attributed that, due to the high quality of education and intensive studies.

Table 2: Number of Countries/Regions from Which International Students Studying in China Come

There are 233 countries and regions in the world, including 197 countries and 36 regions. From this table, we can see that the international students of Chinese universities are all over most countries and regions in the world. This can also seen as the communal and strong friendship relation with countries and regions.


Table 3: Number of Chinese Universities Receiving International Students

From this table, we can see that international students can choose more and more Chinese universities. Chinese university education is becoming more and more international. Actually, most international students attend prestigious universities in China, among which comprehensive and polytechnic institutions are more popular with international students.

Table 4: Number of International Students in China from Different Continents

From this form, we can see that Asian students are the main source of international students studying in China, accounting for more than half of the number of international students. In recent years, African students have surpassed European students and become the second largest source of foreign students in China.


China is the must peaceful and bountiful place around the word globally. Moreover we should know that china is still only a developing country with huge population and its not easy to have such a low crime rate.

What’s more, campus safety in china is highly valued, Chinese universities take various measures to protect the safety of students as a student you can live safely and securely.

Chinese peoples are warm and welcoming. Hospitality is the traditional custom of the Chinese nation since ancient times, confucius once said its always a pleasure to great a friend from afar. China is also well known in the world as the gang of etiquette in the friendliest countries in 2022, China rank 43. Chinese are always very friendly and helpful, they will always try to help you if you’re in need and be willing to invite you to their home and welcoming.

Studying in China as international student, it prepare you for the rest of your life is through helping you to gain important leadership skills and qualities. Traveling the world and meeting different people helps you to open your mind, learn how to take initiative, and gain valuable skills that can help you to become leadership material

Lower tuition costs and scholarships. Costs of studying in china is relatively lower compared with others countries such as USA, the UK and others Europeans Countries. First, let see the average tuition fees of different degree program in China

Ø  The Chinese language is about $380 to $2200

Ø  The associate is about $550 to $2800

Compare to USA UK.

China also offers verietish of scholarship, such as follows.

Ø  Chinese Government Scholarships (CSC): Agency Number

Ø  Local Government Scholarship

Ø  Confucius Institute Scholarship

Ø  CUCAS Scholarship

Ø  School Scholarship

Ø  Enterprise Scholarship


  • Submitted at Nov 9, 2022
  • Category Scholarship

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